Akagera National park

Akagera National Park Rwanda  is  found in North-Eastern Rwanda, at the country’s border with Tanzania. It is dominated by swamps and small lakes with flow in the wake of River Kagera. All the water sources work together to create a piece of spectacular scenery. It is quite a remarkable eco-system. The Park was obviously named after River Kagera

Major Activities and Attractions in Akagera National Park

Rwanda is known for mountain gorillas and mountain climbing in the Volcanoes National Park among others. However it is only in Akagera that one can spot the big 5 Safari mammals in Rwanda. Safaris in Akagera National Park are also special because of the unique scenery in the park which makes for a very great feeling for those who love nature. The landscape and especially rolling hills and valleys in the park provide spots for great wildlife viewing and photography. Being close to Kigali has made Akagera become increasing popular with both local and international tourists. It is a perfect destination for those who have come to the capital for a conference, business trip or workshop and desire to go and see Africa’s famous animals in the wild.

In order to take part in any of the park activities or drive inside the park, one needs clearance. Some activities like game drives and boat cruises need to be booked in advance. Let’s look at the activities in more detail:

Game drives: Game drives can be done in the morning, afternoon and at night in the hills, plains and lakes. The roads in the park are well developed since the partnership between the Rwanda Development Board and African parks became effective. Visitors need to acquire a tour van that can pass through the rough terrain in the park. Park guides are important during the game drive because they are knowledgeable about the area and will take you to the right spots while sharing with you important information about the different species found in the park.

Night game drives: Akagera is one of the few places where night game drives can be arranged. Night game drives are done using spotlights and an open-roof vehicle to allow visitors spot nocturnal animals like genet, mangoose, bushbabies, owls, nightjar, leopards and hyenas. These animals and birds are very difficult to see during the day. Night game drives cost $40 for an international visitor and lasts between two to three hours.

Boat Trips: Lake Ihema is famous for boat trips. While on the boat trip, you might encounter crocodiles, hippos and elephants drinking along the shores. The Lakes and nearby swamps are breeding grounds for several bird species like African darter, African jacana, Blue-headed Coucal, Cormorants, fish eagles, kingfishers, marsh flycatchers and the Open-bill Storks.  Only 11 people may be allowed into one  boat. Those who want a more private experience can arrange their own trip Boats depart in the morning, afternoon and sunset.

Birdwatching: Birdwatching in Akagera provides opportunities to spot over 450 species. There are few forest birds and Albertine Rift species like in Nyungwe National Park but visitors should still come out satisfied with the collection of Savannah and woodland species found in the park. Some of the species include the Arnot chat, Black-headed Gonolek, Double-toothed Barbet, Lilac-breasted Roller, Meyer’s parrot, Ross’s turaco, Red-faced Barbet and the Long tailed Cisticola. The great Shoebill stock can be spotted in the park though their numbers are small.

Sport Fishing: Akagera National Park is arguably the best best place to go for sport fishing in Rwanda.  The shores of Lake Shakani are great for fishing species like the Tilapia and catfish. While fishing, you will get to see many birds and animals drinking by the shores. Fishing tournaments are arranged frequently and winners are rewarded with a chance to prepare and eat their catch. Permits for fishing cost.

Nature walks: Nature walks in the park can be arranged with the help of a park guide. A walk through selected sections of the park gives you opportunities to appreciate the great biodiversity in the park. The nature walks involves following established park trails that lead to forests, lakes and swamps.

Walking by the Park Fence: Related to the nature walks, visitors can choose to join one of the fence attendants and park guides for a walk along the security fence. The security fence has helped eliminate poaching and other conflicts with humans living near the park. The 7 kilometer walk lasts for two hours, costs nothing and yet provides great views of the game park.

Cultural Visits: The management of Akagera National Park collaborates with nearby communities to allow visitors go for cultural visits. These visits are led by community guides. During these cultural visits, tourists learn how the locals take care of their long-horned cows, make beer, prepare food and celebrate important seasons of the year. Visitors can help with milking the cows, taste some of the local food and dance to local/folk music. The visits last for 3 hours at most.

Other activities outside the park: There are a couple of activities that visitors can take part in near the park and in Kigali the capital. One such activity is visiting the Rusumo Falls, the presidential palace, the museum, the Kigali city markets, the genocide war memorial centers and Museums. Those interested in buying souvenirs can stop by one of local art and craft shops along the way to the park.

The best time to go on a safari in Akagera National Park

Safaris in Akagera National Park are arranged throughout the year. There is no public holiday and tourism activities continue each and every day even on weekends.  Most visitors prefer to visit the park during the dry season.  The rainy season occurs in certain months of

March and April making the roads difficult to pass through. The best time to visit the park is between December and February. The rains have stopped then but the park is still green from the previous rainy season. At this time of the year, many of the waterholes get dry and the animals go to the few remaining pools. This makes it easy to spot them in one point unlike in the rainy season. Some visitors will find the hot temperatures and dusty roads difficult to bear.




Things to consider while planning to visit Akagera National Park

Are you planning on visiting the only Savannah game park in Rwanda. The park opens between 6am and 6pm and about  is charged as entrance fee for international visitors. Rwanda is a country located in the tropics and hence with insects and diseases that international visitors may not be immune too. It is very important to ensure that you see your doctor and get vaccinated against Yellow Fever before traveling to Rwanda. Endeavor to come with malaria tablets because the park has mosquitoes and even Tse Tse flies. Moreover, game drives are done with open car windows which can invite painful bites from certain insects. An insect repellent is therefore very important in keeping off insects. You might also want to come with long trousers, long-sleeved shirts and clothes of dull color.

Where to Stay in Akagera National Park

Are you wondering where to spend the night during your safari in Akagera National Park? Accommodation options in Akagera are limited compared to other national parks. Some of the lodges are seasonal and require finding out in advance if they are open. These hotel problems had been a major challenge for stakeholders of the park. The good news is that new lodges are being built while others are in plan within and outside the park.  It is important to book your hotel in advance to avoid any inconveniences finding the right room.

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